Permanent and Fixed Term
In today's market, the size and make-up of IDT teams has never been more vital to an organisation's future.
To support both the new workplace reality and new operating models as the economy recovers, the contribution of each new permanent team member is of critical importance. Both a wrong hire and a key team member who leaves prematurely may delay the achievement of critical business outcomes.
More often than not, finding the right candidate means engaging with someone who is working already, not actively looking, and selective about their next move. In our conversations with suitable IDT professionals, we will take care to correctly position your brand, present the unique appeal of each employment opportunity, and emphasize the needed impact from the role.
At Essent we are able to select from within a large pool of candidates, many of whom we have worked with before. We don't just rely on the smaller percentage of candidates applying to job advertisements right now.
With equally deep experience in the IT industry and in recruitment, you will find us easy to talk to and professional to work with. We believe it is our role to recommend suitable and motivated candidates - not present a stack of CVs.